Influencer Marketing


Advertising Services related to my social media

Influencer Marketing is a great opportunity to get a unique angle on your brand, as you allow me, as an artist, to create customized content and play with your brand within a mutual beneficial frame. 


Prior to any Influencer Marketing service we will discuss ideas and purpose in order to reach a mutual understanding about co-creating content, that will fit both our brands and targets.

Influencer Marketing Features

You get

A Creative New Angle on Your Brand
Original Photo Content & Storytelling
High Exposure & Engagement Rate
High Resolution Copies for Your Social Media
Low Price compared to Regular Media Ads
3 Posts daily
Report on Impact

My clients include:

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Sponsored posts

Posts about your brand from my account

All features included

Guest Hosting

I guest star on your account

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Take over

Subscription service: If you don't have the time and means, but still want quality content

All features included

Campaign Management

Multiple Influencer Service

Working as an Instagramer

Example of how I work


  • Managing Director, Alana Stocks, Circkul8 for Tourism Fiji

    "Fedja is a world-class photographer and content creator. I worked with Fedja on an Influencer campaign for Tourism Fiji where our job was to capture the happiness in Fiji and share it with the world. He came highly recommended and didn’t disappoint. His contribution to the success of the campaign was huge and it was a pleasure to have him on the team."

  • Direktør/ Director, Thomas Klostergaard, Kystlandet/ Visit Gudenaa

    ”Fedja Salihbasics instagramkampagne er både kompetent og passioneret. Den enorme virale opmærksomhed, som er skabt på Instagram, bidrager helt unikt til vores branding, så vi skal helt sikkert videre ad den vej”   "Fedja Salibasic's Instagram Campaign is both competent and passionate. The enormous viral attention that was created on Instagram contributes in a completely unique manner to our branding, so we are definitely going further down that road"

  • Director of Public Relations, Judy Reeves, Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts

    "Working with Fedja was an absolute pleasure. Fedja captured and shared beautiful photos of Shangri-La's hotels and destinations throughout China. His passion for travel is contagious, which is easily seen through his photos and captions and the enthusiastic response from the Instagram community. A consummate professional, the feedback I received from colleagues who met with Fedja during his trip were full of praise. On the whole, the China project not only met, but far exceeded expectations"

  • Key Account Manager, Christian Häggström, Icelandair

    "At the beginning of 2016 Icelandair took on one of the biggest marketing projects in the company’s history on an international level. Part of the campaign was to incorporate influencers due to the impact and engagement it brings.   Fedja was one of the first choices when reaching out to invite the best, both in terms of quality, delivery and co-operation. He delivered besides stunning photography with high engagement rate, also a genuine feeling of what we were aiming to express to our audience. The campaign was a success and we are already planning on a follow up.   Fedja is one of those rare people that are easy going and incredibly effective at the same time. He has the ability to bring out the best from a project in combination with an amazing attitude and social skills. Regardless if it's a challenging task or just a laid back coffee break, Fedja is always a joy to be around leaving you with a guaranteed smile on your face. I highly recommend his work and I’d be very pleased to collaborate with him in the future"  

  • Head of Digital Marketing, Özge Küliğ, Hillside Leisure Group, Turkey

    "I had the privilege to work with Fedja within 2014 and 2015 for Hillside Beach Club, a high class heaven-like resort in Fethiye Turkey.   We have hosted and collaborated with many over qualified social media influencers from all across the world; however, Fedja was one uniquely outstanding person, which made us want to work with him again and again. First of all he has such a unique photography style and it is hard to imagine how picky and dedicated he is before you actually go, watch him.   Besides this dedication, he is one of the most positive influencers I have ever met (as I have to admit, some of them are indeed hard to communicate). He always would come up with a new idea for shooting things and do whatever he can about it even though it requires hard times for him within nature, underwater, under sun, etc.   I also have to mention the Instagram Workshop he has given to our guests explaining the best tips of using Instagram; how to shoot, focus, lighten, share and engage. It was such an amazing session and every person who attended it shared their positive feedback.   Once again thank you so much Fedja, and I truly believe that any organisation or brand collaborating with you will feel highly satisfied and happy".

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