Press release: 2 Million eyes on the former Yugoslavia – @felecool & @wisslaren explore #fedjasbalkan on photographic road trip

In the 1990’s my family was forced to flee our home country Yugoslavia because of the raging civil war. We ended up in Denmark, where I have been living ever since.

Now, I am going back to the former Yugoslavian countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia, to photograph some of the beautiful places of my birth country. I’m bringing a friend and we are sharing our experience with the whole world on Instagram.

Fedja Salihbasic Christoffer Collin

Press release:

May 12th 2016 I leave home for a road trip down to the former Yugoslavian Countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Montenegro with Swedish Instagramer Christoffer Collin/ @Wisslaren.   The purpose of the trip is to share some of the great places of my birth country, Yugoslavia, with my fellow Scandinavian and close personal friend, Chris. – As many places as we can in a week, at least. We are aiming for places I especially like to stay at and places I used to go with my family as a child.   Follow our photographic journey to and through the former Yugoslavia on Instagram under the hashtag: #fedjasbalkan and on @felecool and @wisslaren. You can also follow on Facebook on my Photo by Fedja-page. And Snapchatters can join us on Felecool & Chriscollin.

Professional Instagramers

@wisslaren and @felecool are both professional Instagramers, meaning that they make a living from sharing their photos on Instagram. International brands contact them everyday for their photographic services, which are of significant marketing value. – Their photographs are original content with huge audiences and provide added brand value for their clients.

More about @felecool & @wisslaren

@Wisslaren and @felecool first met on an Instagram project in Israel in 2013 and became good friends. They have since collaborated on a number of Instagram projects, including #ComeSeeTurkey for the Turkish Government & TOBB, #Mystopover for Icelandair, #FromTurkeyWithLove for Turkish Airlines, projects for Hillside Beach club and for Visit Faroe Islands.

About  @felecool/ Fedja Salihbasic:

Fedja Salihbasic, 35 years old,  from Horsens, Denmark. Fedja is a professional instagramer with +500.000 followers. He was originally born i Bosnia – the center part of the Former Yugoslavia, but came to Denmark in the 90´s due to the civil war in Bosnia. He loved taking pictures from a young age. In 2010 he downloaded the Instagram app – but didn’t start using it until a while later. He fell in love with the concept of sharing photographs with other likeminded people on Instagram. His photos were well received and his follower numbers increased.

About @wisslaren/ Christoffer Collin:

Christoffer Collin, 32, is from Karlskoga, Sweden. Chris is also a professional Instagramer with +1.400.000 followers. Chris downloaded the Instagram app in 2012 thinking that it would be a place for him to share photos with friends and family. His pictures quickly became popular and his follower numbers escalated.

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Fedja Salihbasic Christoffer Collin

Photos are available for the press for this news story.

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